Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hair fun | Pinterest Thursday | Fayetteville, NC iPhonographer

I have been doing so many food pins that I'm sure you're wondering if I aspire to be a chef ... no, not even close! LOL I do pin other things on my Pinterest account than food and recipes (though I do love me some food). I pin crafts, clothing styles, things for my boys, funnies, DIY's for the home and of course beauty tips!

I haven't done any hairstyles in a while, and felt like I should share! :-) Both are along the same lines, but with little differences.

I found the original pins HERE and HERE.

Idea from A Beautiful Mess
 I've done this hairstyle before ... but I had always pulled it into a pony because humidity and curly hair just don't mix. Now that it's winter, not much humidity = straightened hair! Wahoo!

Next up is the same idea, but I have my swept bangs. This collage is a mixture of two hair days, one I used a bow and the other I added some pearl flair. By far my favorite hairstyle so far! This hairstyle idea courtesy, Join the Mood.

Well, you can see that ever since I got the hang french braiding my own hair, that's all I do. It's true. I'm super proud of myself and finally mastering braiding my own hair! LOL Which is why I just dig Join the Mood, she has all kinds of braid hairstyles and I plan on trying out many more of her ideas!

And there you have it folks! This week's Pinterest Thursday! And don't forget to:

Follow Me on Pinterest

All my  photos were taken with an iPhone and copyrighted by SWP.

 *** Please remember that all images are copyrighted to Sharilyn Wells Photography, LLC. Please do not copy or alter any images without SWP, LLC consent. ***


  1. Very cute, Shari!!! I guess I'll have to try these out, but my bangs have grown out so much...I need to go get a haircut. Why do I hate spending money on haircuts so much?!?! LOL

  2. You don't need bangs for these! That's what makes it so awesome!


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