This couple ... HOLY CUTENESS ALERT! She contacted me because she wanted a few images of her and her boyfriend before he headed overseas. They're high school sweethearts and wow, the love they share for each other just radiated off of them. I left this session happier than when I arrived because of the two of them! <3

They were even willing to brave the frigid spring air (meaning they didn't mind cuddling closer to one another) ;) and they climbed inside a tree/bush thingy for me to get awesome sun flare. haha!
The above shot is from my wonderful Russian made Helio 35mm ... it is seriously my favorite lens to shoot when I have couples in love! You should see this ENGAGEMENT session I shot a few years ago at the same location and with same lens! ;)
Safe travels and hope to see y'all with an engagement session soon??? ;)
*** Please remember that all images are copyrighted to Sharilyn Wells Photography, LLC. Please do not copy or alter any images without SWP, LLC consent. ***