The majority of my
OpLove sessions are happy and joyous. I do homecomings all the time living so close to Fort Bragg and get so many requests from other near by installations. I do already gone sessions to surprise America's heroes overseas with a lil' pick-me-up from their families and I do pre-deployment sessions for the Families as they prepare to say good-bye to their servicemember. But I've never done a "saying goodbye" session. I was a lil' nervous to say yes, as it was new to me. BUT Being a military wife and having to say goodbye to my hero four times, I thought I would be able to do it with no problems.
That is until I met this precious, BIG, family. Five children, a strong husband, and an even stronger wife. This family immediately took me into their lives for about two hours as they played , hugged, laughed, and wept together. A very emotional moment for me to photograph this sad occasion.
You'll never know how a heart can hang still until you hear a lil' girl say, "Goodbye Daddy ... I will miss you." Then as he boards the bus taking him to the plane that will take him to a war zone, "Daddy ... I love you! Don't go!"
The photos and other content of this publication do not imply any endorsement or recommendation by the Department of Defense.
For more information please visit their website ----------->
I take OpLove Sessions from Fort Bragg and Pope Field on a first come, first serve basis and ONLY if I'm available. If you are looking for a photographer at a different location, you can find them
***Do not copy, save or alter these images without the expressed permission of Sharilyn Wells Photography, LLC. All rights reserved.***