Ladies and Gents, let me introduce you to .... Gunner! Yep, if you haven't heard, I finally had my second child and it's a HE! :-) If you remember, I didn't want to know the sex and wanted to keep it a secret. And boy! Was it exciting asking the doc and hearing him say, "It's a boy!" Man, my heart just hung still with pride and love. It was amazing. You can read about my decision HERE.
Even though I'm moving into the direction of birth photography, I didn't have a photographer at my delivery. I know, shame on me. But I do want to commend my husband for doing a pretty good job!
After a lil' stress and a few tears, Gunner made his appearance into the world on October 7 at 5:24 a.m.
He was not a happy camper when he was getting cleaned up, but I was so happy to hear him cry. It meant he was here and healthy. I gotta give it to my husband for being my support and taking my photography demands. "Did you get the weight?" "How is the light over there?" "Don't forget to turn the flash off!" He was great and did great with the photos!
But I took over the picture taking once I could move my legs again! ;-)
Dokken got a few big brother gifts when he came to visit us in the hospital. He was super excited to meet his baby brother. He wanted a brother so bad, but he said, "If it was a girl, I'd still love her." <3
He didn't want to wake Gunner and was super quiet and nervous to hold him. But eventually, big brother came through and is doing a great job in his new role!
***Do not copy, save or alter these images without the expressed permission of Sharilyn Wells Photography, LLC. All rights reserved.***
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