Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fall is in the Air

With the signs of fall finally showing, the family and I decided to get into the Halloween spirit.  We headed to Hubb's Corn Maze in Clinton, N.C., for some family fun. 

What I was really looking for was a pumpkin patch to torture my son while I took the "oh so adorable" fall pumpkin pictures.  What I found was a small 6 foot by 6 foot square of hideous pumpkins.  However, as a photographer, you have to make what your are given a picture perfect scene, even if it's not the ideal spot.  Below are a few photos from the patch and the corn maze.

My son loved running free through the maze.  This is the best time to photograph, when kids are being kids.

This was such a gem to find, a morning glory growing among the dried up cornstalks.

Even though I was given a small pumpkin patch, I made it look larger by putting my son as the subject and using perspective.  It's fun to get creative!

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